Tag Archives: Adventure tourism

Explore destinations the Halimun forest tour packages with tracking

Paket wisata Petualangan Halimun Adventure Journey

Indonesia, Halimun tourism –  Malasari Nature tourism village the majority of its territory is the area of the National Park of Mount HalimunSalak (TNGHS) can be enjoyed the charm of beauty with a search path of Interpretation or Loop Trail along the Citalahab Cikaniki 3.8 km with pal hekto meters, unmarked and shelter amid the […]

Adventure tour packages at canopy trail

Jembatan tajuk untuk paket wisata Halimun Adventure Journey di Desa Malasari Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun Salak

Indonesia, Halimun tour –Your adrenaline will be tested at the time of adventure tourism in the Bridge heading halimun. Canopy trail heading that is a bridge between the big trees, transverse has a length of 100 meters, a height of 20-25 meters long and has a width of 0.6 m. A tree bridge is located about […]